How It Works

Shop. Save. Support. It's Easy!

Sign Up for Free

Register and link your preferred payment card (debit or credit).

Choose a Charity

Select your favorite charity and the percentage you wish to donate from your cashback.


Shop at participating stores (online or in-store).

Save and Support

Save $$$'s AND support your cause!

Shop and support your favourite charity at the same time

By purchasing products or services from participating businesses, you can take advantage of the available savings, plus support the Charity of your choice..

  • 1. Register to become a Community Rewards member ™
  • 2. Link your preferred payment card.
  • 3. Select a Charity of your choice
  • 4. Nominate the percentage of your cashback that you wish to donate.
  • 5. Start shopping, saving and giving!
  • 6. You will receive an email acknowledgement for the donation you have made.

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